This morning, I went to my first homeschool class at the MassAudubon Ipswich Wildlife Sanctuary. The class is on journaling. Each class we’re going to go to a different habitat and write in our journals about it. This class was all about fields and the insects that can be found in them. First, I went in the barn and made a collage by cutting out little pictures from magazines. Next, the teachers explained why the field was a great place to spot bugs. One reason is because fields don’t have many trees to give shade so there’s lots of light. Some bugs really like light. Then we went to the field and Andrew, one of my teachers, handed out nets and jars to help catch bugs. First, I used a net. I caught a moth with it but it got away. Then I traded my net in for a jar. I caught ten or more field crickets! One time I caught two of them at once! I also caught a thin green grasshopper. We also had to pick our favorite plant so we could press it. I chose a pink clover with white tips. I’m surprised that I liked the class, because I don’t normally like bugs. But these bugs were very interesting. I loved class! I wonder what habitat we will go to next week and what we will learn about.
AuthorMy name is Anna Rose and I am 8 years old. I have a little brother, Dylan, and 2 pets, a dog named Karma, and a Betta Fish named Blaze. I love animals and I want to do whatever I can to help them. Categories
April 2012